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Fairy Tales for all inspire compassion and bring magick into your life.
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5.0 out of 5 stars
A memoir that you will "return to" often as a source of comfort, inspiration, and belief
January 30, 2014
Format: Paperback
I waited for Shirl's next book with anticipation, and it was worth the wait! As with Birdsong, Barks, and Banter, Shirl opens up about her experiences as a medium with great humility, respect, candor, and humor (the stories of her merry—and furry!—pranksters are sure to prompt more than one laugh-out-loud moment). Shirl's accounts of communication with/messages from the spiritual realm will satisfy, comfort, and deeply move those who already believe. (And those who may be skeptical are not belittled or alienated, but rather respectfully prompted to consider opening their hearts and minds to the possibilities that surround them.) The stories of how a place’s past impacts its present (from the fields of Gettysburg to the shores of Ireland), as well as Shirl’s personal messages from the spiritual realm, are gripping and sure to stay with readers long after putting the book down—as they have with me.